Group Classes • Ashtanga Yoga

All ongoing Ashtanga group yoga classes are currently on hold, due to renovations at the Chipeta Lodge. We’re expected to return to these offerings (Mysore Style + Led Primary Series sessions) this spring.

Private + Semi-Private Sessions

We are dedicated to help you deepen your asana, meditation, pranayama and contemplation practices. Book a session at our home (max capacity 3 people) or yours. Donation-based. 

Email to reserve a spot (
Suggested donation $15-20 per person
Larger donations pay it forward for others to join
Venmo @thirdeyevisionaries / Cash / Check

Mentorship Program

Email Hansa ( for more information about the mentorship program called Devoted to Self. This is a commitment for those who wish to go deeper into the exploration of self, cultivating a regular practice or deepening an established practice (physical exercise, asana, mindfulness, mantra, meditation, pranayama, contemplation, or other), wishing for lifestyle changes and to embody healthier habits, bringing purpose to the forefront, taking a deep look at core values and living in alignment, enhancing self-expression, taking responsibility for contentment, willing to see and embody themselves fully. It is for those those who want to get centered, empowered and more connected. This is for those who want to nurture confidence and clarity, receiving support and guidance along the journey.

It is an evolution based program (3 months, 6 months or 1-year commitment) uniquely tailored for each individual (in terms of phasing, pacing and content). We believe that it takes time to create new grooves in terms of thought patterns, beliefs, emotional responses and behavioral patterns, hence we recommend committing to a year of exploration. Sacred container for growth.

Why? Because there is beauty and wisdom to be found in our ordinary experiences that serve as the arena for practice. Nurture your connection to self / source / spirit through the mirroring of mentorship.

Very limited space. Application process for acceptance into the program.

Study of Self

12-week online immersion

This is for those who want to be deeply connected to Life itself. This is for the ones curious about the yogic and non-dual ways of viewing Life, oneself and the world. We will engage in deep conversation and provide various perspectives on topics ranging from the trivial to the mystical. This immersion does not require anything in addition to you showing up - as you are. There are weekly sessions (12 total), plus plenty of resources provided through the study portal, to inspire further inquiry. However, you decide to what degree you want to jump in. Why? Because the gift of Life is precious and we hope to nurture your willingness to fully receive this gift. The conversations are guided by Hansa & Jyoti, for whom the deeper questions about this so called reality and our relationship to Life is at the core of their inquiry. No previous experience required, merely a curiosity, open mind and heart.

Commitment to Practice

4-week online immersion

This is an immersion for those who want to get centered, empowered and more connected. During this deep dive, we explore the multifaceted experiences of cultivating a regular practice. If you already have a practice, we explore it further. If you are new to this, we'll explore a practice that suits your specific intentions. This is a self-study immersion, guided by Hansa, including online recordings of 4 group sessions + weekly journaling/contemplation prompts + reading/audio/video resources.


Hansa has her heart in nature and deep silence. Her personal sadhana (spiritual practice) is to embody yogic values and living a sattvic, conscious, sustainable and simple life. She serves the greater community by showing up for others on the path, in a myriad of ways. VICHARA is one of the means of doing so, through privates, group sessions, immersions and workshops. Her prayer beads, NO MIND MALA, is another way she provides support.

She practices Ashtanga yoga, studies yogic philosophy at depth, and shares the perspectives of Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism. She has nurtured a steady sadhana for the last 22 years and has been teaching in Ridgway since 2010. Her deep dive into a daily asana practice started in the Sivananda lineage, then the Satyananda lineage, which eventually lead her to the Ashtanga method.

She lives in Ridgway, Colorado, with her husband Jyoti and huskies Satya and Sage.