

the law of existence

Change is the only thing we can count on, really. As harsh at it may sound, as we experience the world, change is inevitably interwoven into every experience, every sensation, every thought, emotions, memory and so on. The only thing we know for certain, is that things will change. Some may say that it is the only constant. However, there is a deeper underlying truth that is THE constant, so we’ve got to watch how we use our words while walking the conceptual line between the two. Though that line is of course illusional, as the eternal is part of everything within this time bound existence. Change refers to movement, while there is something still underneath. We’ve got to observe the movement in order to notice the stillness, or in other words, see the duality in order to grasp that from which it is born. One may say that the light cannot exist without the darkness, and one may refer to impermanence and eternity in the same way. However, unity can exist without duality, but, there would be no perception of it.

Change is the law of the universe, the law of existence. We can count on it. Our lives portrays it through birth, life, decay and death. Our entire life is about transformation, yet there is an underlying part of our being that never changes. That is what all of spirituality, sadhana and philosophical frameworks are pointing towards.

Once we start observing the ever-changing nature of life - within and around us - we tend to make our whole organism a bit more open and at ease with the inevitable nature of change. Instead of resisting it, we can start to embrace it. Not only will that enrich our lives, to live more fully, but also will it allow for more open and raw exchange in each experience we have. And the beauty of it is, that beneath the movement and change lies what is the only true constant, that which remains, that which is still, that which all the teachings are pointing towards, that which simply IS. And with that recognition comes a deep full-being sigh, as we simply have to rest into its embrace. This is what we humans busy ourselves to cover up, often times in the name of pursuit of happiness. However, nothing need to be done, but merely seeing things as they are.

These concepts and ideas can seem very fluffy and abstract (and words don’t do it justice). Yet we invite you to make it part of your internal inquiry to study the ever-changing nature of experiences in this existence. This is a very potent practice, which eventually points us to that which is beyond.

Resisting change takes tremendous effort and energy. Befriending this inevitable evolution of life - change - is like stepping into the current of life instead of swimming upstream against the current. It is a true gift if we can let ourselves flow with it, instead of holding on to that which is known and step into the uncertain with a bit more acceptance, ease and welcoming attitude. While observing change, in its multiple forms and expressions, we quite quickly come upon our long held beliefs and resistance. At the heart of it we have to face and accept the resistance - instead of resisting the resistance. This inner observation becomes the practice grounds for letting go, letting life, and surrendering. Trust and surrender softens the edges of that which initially may be sharp and edgy. We are given the gift to observe all of these layers, without judgement, holding space for our own unfolding. Trust that change will happen - and change will bring even more trust. It can become a beautiful cycle of life and death, of trust and surrender, that takes you further and further into an intimate relationship with Life itself.