

The inner journey

This website investigates some of the many questions that come up as we dive deeper within. The questions are just as important as the answers, maybe even more important. No matter our individual path, no matter our practices, the tradition or lineage - the underlying themes of exploration are often the same.

In no way, shape or form do we believe that we hold all the answers, but we want to hold space for the questions, simply put. The content will expand, evolve and expose more as we go. We will dissect other topics, as well as go deeper into what you see here today. This is just the beginning, as we always have to start with a single step. In this case, inward.

We are all journeying alone, yet together. No one can do the inner work for us, but ourselves. We are left with the responsibility to take charge of our own contentment - and live the freedom that is already present. When we start diving deeper we see that there is a divine energy in charge of the play. Our job is to step out of the way and give ourselves to the life giving force. Different paths and modalities dissolve and we remember that we are walking together as one.

At the end of the day
We give the pearls away
Leaving the collection of knowledge
At the entrance of the cave


how to join us

The content on this website is accessible for FREE, for many reasons. We believe that these universal teachings are gifts from the saints and sages who came before us, blessing us with their wisdom and pointing us home. We don’t have the right to charge for words of contemplation, nor to claim any of the words as our own as we share from the vast collective consciousness. What we know has been passed on to us - and now we pass it on to you. Enjoy the ride!

support our mission

This initiative is strictly donation based, for many reasons. Your contributions do not only sustain the expansion of content, to serve your own inner exploration, but also pays it forward assisting others deepening their inner quest.

If the content on this site feeds you, please consider facilitating our mission and vision.

Thank you for supporting our evolution!

VICHARA podcast

Conversations about the sacred, the raw and the real.

Through the VICHARA podcast we investigate some of the many questions that come up as we dive deeper within. No matter our individual path, no matter our practices, the tradition or lineage - the underlying themes of exploration are often the same. By sharing reflections on these topics, we hope to inspire the journey, provide tools, as well as food for thought to nurture contemplation and deepened inquiry.

We host conversations with inspirational beings who are walking the talk. We hone in on what is at the core of any spiritual tradition - connection with Spirit. We dive into the juicy questions around how to navigate the spiritual terrain, obstacles, motivation, energy, identity, philosophy, nurturing, the changing nature of life and practice, and so much more.

We have a really interesting line up in the pipeline, so follow along by signing up for the newsletter here on the website, subscribe to the podcast, follow us on Instagram etc, to be the first to know about new episodes.


Through the blog we dive into the juicy questions around how to navigate the spiritual terrain, obstacles, motivation, energy, identity, philosophy, the changing nature of life and practice, and so much more. This is also a platform where we can answer your questions.

With this, we hope to inspire deep contemplation, as we wish for this platform to feed the inner journey.


When you sign up to join our sangha, you will not only get informed when we add more content, interviews, inspiration and food for thought, but you are also provided extra content aimed at those who want to dive deep. While exploring human belief systems and conditioning, we wish to evoke deepened inquiry.

Join the sangha if you want to dive deeper!


I had the privilege to be featured in VoyageDenver Magazine. I share thoughts on the journey thus far, including challenges and teachings life has presented along the way. For a glimpse into the world of Hansa, enjoy the read!


Find out
Who or what
Is hiding
In the longing
Of becoming

Hansa devi
